Government of Assam
District Institute of Education & Training(DIET)
P.O.: Udharbond, Cachar, Assam, 788030

District Institute of Education & Training (DIET), Cachar, Udharbond was established in the year 1989. The erstwhile Basic Training Centre (BTC), Cachar, Udharbond was upgraded into DIET on 1st September, 1989. The Institute is located at Udharbond, Durganagar Part – V under the District of Cachar within the state of Assam. Geographically the Institute is located within the latitude 24.884006 and longitude 92.8789. It is a Government Teacher Training Institute with its registration No. ERC/7 – 24/2002/1448(i) dated 20th May, 2002. The Institute has a total length area of 30,180 square meters having survey No. 22 B 11K 03Ch cover by khas Dag No. 503 (under 2nd R.S.) of Mouza - Durganagar Part- V, Pargona – Udharbond. At present there are 12 and 20 nos. of faculties and non – teaching staff, respectively...